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What is Fair Trade and why does it matter?

Tomorrow, one day before Mother’s Day, it is World Fair Trade Day. This year, the theme is Build Back Fairer. The COVID pandemic has challenged us all – the world has a chance not just to build back better, but build back fairer.

So what is Fair Trade, and why does it matter?

According to the World Fair Trade Organisation, Fair Trade is “a trading partnership, based on dialogue, transparency and respect, that seeks greater equity in international trade”.

  • It is a vision of business and trade that put people and planet before profit

  • It fights poverty, climate change, gender inequality and injustice

  • It showcases the enterprise models of the new economy – a new way of doing business.

There is an international Fair Trade Charter that outlines its vision and is a central reference point for Fair Trade. It also has 10 Fair Trade Principles that outline how Fair Trade enterprises should be set up and behave.

It sounds great, right? Of course, all of these principles are noble and should be encouraged throughout the world.

What does that mean for you?

Let’s consider a few facts:

Making a difference

When you shop for a gift, a new item of clothing, toys or jewellery, do you ever wonder who made it, under what circumstances, and with what impact to the environment?

Your individual purchase makes a difference. Our collective choices can drive change in these and other industries. Buying handmade and fair trade is one way to ensure that your purchase leaves the least impact on the environment and improves the lives of the people who produced it.

“We don't have to engage in grand, heroic actions to participate in the process of change. Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world.”

― Howard Zinn

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